Interested in visiting K9 Acres Ltd? The first stage is to arrange an an 'Introductory Visit'. You can make an appointment for your Introductory visit using our online booking system (Click on 'Booking System' above).
At this initial visit Jo will talk you through a few details and ask you to agree to the Terms & Conditions of use.
Once you have completed your Introductory Visit you can make future bookings using the online booking system. Should you wish to move a booking to a new time or date please contact us.
Once you have selected the number of dogs you have, you will see the available slots in the calendar. You can then either use your google, facebook or twitter account details to log in or you can 'sign up' (free) and set your own user name and password for future use.
You can select either a single session or use the 'Book and add more' button to book a number of sessions. Once you select 'Book Now' you will be directed to the Paypal gateway where you can use a Paypal account if you have one, or alternatively use major Debit or Credit cards through the Paypal gateway.
You will receive confirmation e-mails of your bookings and a reminder 3 hours before your start time of your session which will include access codes to the field for your visit.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation of your booking from ourselves then no booking will have been made, please contact us if you are in any way unsure.
On Line Booking is our default method as a means to keeping costs to a minimum, however we do appreciate that some people may prefer to 'talk to somebody' in the first instance, so please contact us and we will be happy to help.